The Intolerance of Tolerance – White/ Qadhi Fallout

Catch Up to Speed: What is the White/ Qadhi Issue?

Following a two-part dialogue between Dr. James White and Dr. Yasir Qadhi, an outspoken Christian missionary by the name of Sam Shamoun began a crusade against his coreligionist, Dr. White, for holding the view that not all Muslims are hateful, intolerant, bloodthirsty terrorists. The argument made by Sam was essentially that Islam in its entirety is an intolerant religion.

There’s a problem though. A big one.

If Islam is so intolerant, then why haven’t Muslims erupted in the same anger the Christian community has, for Dr. Qadhi allowing Dr. White, a Christian, to speak about the Trinity in a Masjid (mosque, Islamic center)? So far, some in the Christian community have referred to Dr. White as an apologist for Islam, an apostate, a useful idiot for Muslims. There has been a campaign to have his events cancelled, Churches have been called with the demand that he not be allowed to speak in them. There have been endless YouTube videos, social media posts, and articles damning Dr. White for his claim that not all Muslims are evil, intolerant terrorists. All this, being done by a portion of the Christian community who believe themselves to be tolerant.

Yet where is the same outcry from the Muslim community towards Dr. Qadhi? No major Muslim speaker or apologist has condemned Dr. Qadhi for his dialogue with Dr. White. He hasn’t been called an apologist for Christianity, an apostate or a useful idiot for Christians. There has been no campaign to have his events cancelled, Masjids have not been called with the demand that he be banned from speaking in them. There have been no YouTube videos, social media posts or articles by Muslims, condemning Dr. Qadhi. Remember, Muslims are supposed to be the intolerant ones, and the Christian community is supposed to be the tolerant one, if that is the case then why are the Muslims tolerating Dr. Qadhi’s events with Dr. White?

It would therefore seem that there is an intolerance on behalf of some sections of the Christian community, towards the tolerance of the Muslim community for that interfaith dialogue. The irony here is quite palpable. Surely then, if Dr. White is wrong and the Muslim community and the Islamic faith are intolerant, then where do we find the outcry from the Muslim community?

and God knows best.


  • Sam’s argument has never been that all muslims are violent, but that (contra White) true Islam teaches violence. At least get this right.

  • I would advise that you read my comment in context. His beliefs with respect to Muslims, as far as I know, has been that we are intolerant and hateful the more we follow Islamic teachings. Therefore it stands to reason that he considers all practising and believing Muslims to have the potential to be hateful and intolerant. The point stands.

    How is Sam able to discern what is “true” Islam, when he can’t even figure out his own Christian beliefs? Didn’t he recently change his views on atonement?

    He’s unqualified in both faiths. He can’t even get his own faith right but wants to be an authority in another. Be real.

  • Why is intolerance the point. Rather, perhaps the Christians are more deeply convinced of the truth of their faith than the Muslims of theirs. Thus when White allows misrepresentations of Jesus (e.g. the claim that Jesus was a Muslim) go unanswered it burns inside the Christian as Mr. White being a compromiser.

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